Each and every year we relies on generous donors like you to help us continue our essential work to save Madagascar’s endemic species and natural habitats from extinction.
We have partnered with Conservation Allies in a Year-End Fundraising Campaign. The campaign will end on 31st December 2023, Conservation AlliesConservation Allies will match any donations raised for Madagasikara Voakajy. This means that your year-end gift will DOUBLEThis means that your year-end gift will DOUBLE.

Regardless of the amount, every gift matters. With your kind support, we will continue our conservation actions in these places, secure the necessary funds for biological surveys, and establish sustainable resource management plans. Bobaomby protected area is located in northern Madagascar and it holds key sacred areas for the region. It is also supports key habitat for the Endangered crowned lemur, Eulemur coronatus and for the Endangered baobab tree Adasonia Perrieri, Adasonia suarenzensis. With $12,000, we will be able to:

  • Strengthen community capacity to sustainably manage nature
  • Ecological monitoring the reforestation area and natural resources
  • Restoration of endangered trees: Baobabs Adasonia Perrieri, Adasonia suarenzensis

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